jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

Differents between generations

With the beggining to the new millenium, some situations has gone changed or evolved  the most important one have been the conception to life, attitudes, hobbies, and the same culture that in the our parent’s  our  and future children’s generations have been very demarcated, but  the gap  is present specially  with the future childrens or like are commonly called the “digital natives”, they prefer the  technological tools with wich they are growing changed routines radically, while our parents played in the park with their friends,eating ice cream with theirs parents improving and promotion physical contact, the childrens to the future doesn’t like these activities, they prefer to have contact with the mobile divices,such as cellphones and tablets than share with their friends or family then with the piece of information exposed it could to ask Has the technology improved the interaction with other people or it has divided them away?.